As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to cut costs and save money. If you aren’t you definitely should start reviewing your monthly expenses and seeing what is necessary and what is not! This could easily help you grow your profits. So, what if we told you payroll costs is an area where you may not realize you could be saving money?
Improper tracking of employee hours can cost you thousands a year in payroll costs! In one 2018 survey, 44% of business owners reported that they regularly struggle with time sheet errors. Are you one of them? To see if this applies to you, you will want to determine how you are tracking your hours.
Traditionally, business owners have relied on one of three ways to track payroll hours:
● An analog solution; pen and paper, or a shared spreadsheet.
● Time Clocks and punch machines.
● Time & attendance software.
Not all the methods listed above are ideal and can be vulnerable to errors and miscalculations. But, luckily, you can implement our best practices for tracking employee hours, improve accuracy and save money on payroll costs. Fill of the form below to download!
Are you ready to take your business to the next level and grow your profits? It all starts by setting goals and running the numbers. Our advisors can pinpoint your trouble areas and identify areas of opportunity that promote sustainable growth and success. Don’t be hard on yourself, make business easy by filling out a “Let’s Talk” Form on our website and we will get you started on your path to success. Business can be effortless, do not waist another day to start. Call, or fill out a form today!