Signs You Need Tax Planning Services Before April

As a business owner, your primary mission is to deliver great services to your customers. Running your business’s daily operations is a full-time job, which means that there’s not always enough time left over for critical tasks such as tax prep or financial planning. 

If you aren’t ahead of the game, tax season can cause plenty of stress. If your filing includes errors or if you fail to file on time, there may be major financial consequences, such as an audit or a failure to enjoy all of the money-saving deductions available to your business. 

Fortunately, there are small business tax experts who can take those IRS worries entirely off of your plate. 

This year, don’t wait till the last minute to get on top of your tax prep. Work with an accounting team that specializes in your industry and your business size. 

Here are a few red alerts that your business could benefit from tax planning services before April. 

1. You Started a New Business This Year

There’s a lot to learn during your first year running a new business. Many new business owners work long hours in an attempt to cut costs and keep the business afloat during the critical early stages of development. 

While you may be eager to take on as many tasks as possible with your own two hands, it’s important to know when some outside expertise is called for. 

To help your new business get started off on the right foot, work with tax experts. Receiving professional accounting services for tax prep is a good example of spending a little to save a lot. 

Your accounting team can provide more than simple filing services. They can advise you on how to choose the right business structure and which filing choices will minimize your tax payment while keeping your business fully compliant with the law. 

Additionally, you’ll learn how to set up your bookkeeping, structure your budgets, and what moves to make throughout the year to ensure the maximum benefits when tax season rolls around. 

2. You’re Behind on Your Tax Payments

If you’re behind on tax payments, it’s advisable to consult with an accountant immediately. The last thing you want is to allow errors or more late payments to compound the tax hassles that you’re already facing. 

Your tax planner will help you negotiate manageable payment plans with the IRS. By helping your business take advantage of additional deductions or credits, it may be possible to quickly regain control over your tricky tax situation. 

3. You’re Self-Employed

If you’re a self-employed entrepreneur, you already wear many hats—perhaps a few too many.

If you’re already your business’s CEO, manager, crew, marketing chief, and more, then perhaps “tax planner” is one role that’s worth outsourcing. 

A professional accountant helps you get your finances in order and get the best results from tax season while you focus your own energy on growing and running your business. 

4. Your Business’s Finances Are Complicated

Tax planning helps you untangle an intimidating web of deductions, credits, and expenses. Planning also involves coordinating your personal finances with your business finances. 

No matter how messy your financial situation is, your accountant won’t bat an eye. They’ll help you tackle one financial issue at a time until you’ve filed a perfectly optimized tax return. 

5. You’re Anticipating an IRS Audit

An audit is a serious event, but the audit process isn’t as stressful or costly as you might expect—as long as you have a team of experienced tax experts in your corner. 

In most cases, professional tax planning can help you avoid audits. Or, if an audit is already coming your way, your accountants will help you handle the paperwork and minimize potential penalties and interest payments. 

Get Tax Planning Services for Your Construction or Trade Business

At Stratlign, we offer a full suite of tax planning solutions and strategic financial planning for small and medium-sized businesses. 

We specialize in tax and accounting solutions tailored to the construction industry and trades professionals. We work with general contractors, landscapers, flooring contractors, and other talented business owners who bring incredible value to their communities. 

To take on this year’s tax season fully prepared and confident, schedule a 15-minute call with Stratlign’s tax pros today. 


Your Guide to Set Up Subcontractors the Right Way

Are you having trouble collecting information from your subcontractors? Download our “Subcontractor Checklist Packet” to know what you need from them for 1099’s, workman’s comp, and liability audits. We’ve even included a contract for reduced liability!

Justice Bragg

Business Development Specialist

At work, Justice is passionate about helping the team make decisions and connections that propel the business forward. He prioritizes client satisfaction by serving as a medium to facilitate communication to the proper channels making sure every issue is properly addressed.

Outside of work, Justice enjoys exercising by going to the gym and playing pickleball with his friends. He is a self-proclaimed foodie who can’t say no to trying a new restaurant, sometimes even immediately regretting it.

Zachary Williams

Staff Accountant

At Level Accounting, Zach is responsible for bookkeeping & payroll. He is dedicated to ensuring financial success for our clients.

Beyond the office walls, Zach’s weekends are filled with adventure, whether he’s exploring Florida’s hidden gems with his wife or battling it out in tournaments. When it’s time to unwind, you’ll find him at the movies or casting his line out for a relaxing fishing session.

Melanie Jerome, MBA


Meet Melanie J, one of our senior staff accountants! Melanie ensures your financial health with precision and expertise. Beyond the office, she’s a true crime enthusiast who loves traveling and outdoor adventures. Whether she’s balancing books or exploring new trails, MJ’s dedication and skill set the standard for excellence in our team.